Welcome to Mountain Peak Nutritionals!

Mountain Peak Nutritionals® offers 30+ different nutritional supplements blended in Condition Specific Formulas®. Our supplements afford healthcare practitioners and their patients an easier way to integrate nutritional supplementation into the foundation of their healthcare programs.

Email or call our knowledgeable, friendly staff if you have any questions about Mountain Peak Nutritionals® Condition Specific Formulas®. We can be reached Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm (Pacific). We’re always happy to answer customer questions regarding our formulas or ingredient questions and/or concerns with practitioners.

Mountain Peak Nutritionals® Quality Standards

  • We are committed to producing the highest quality products in the nutritional supplement industry
  • Our ingredients are high quality and in their most bioavailable forms
  • All ingredients are quarantined and receive a certificate of analysis before being blended into any MPN formulations
  • MPN formulas are gluten-free and contain no artificial preservatives, magnesium stearate, stearic acid or any other flowing agents that could inhibit the absorption of essential nutrients
  • MPN formulas do not contain wheat, eggs, yeast, tree nuts, or peanuts
  • Our manufacturing facilities use only materials that are tested for bacteria, mold, yeast, and heavy metals
  • Our manufacturing partner is UL certified current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) and 21 CFR Part 111 compliant; all of our products are tested at third-party independent laboratories to ensure that each bottle is safe and compliant with the finished product specifications

Origin Story

Dr. Jim Passes the Torch to Grant Bergstrom

Our History & Our Future

Dr. Jim Massey ND has personally witnessed the tremendous benefits nutritional supplementation can provide in his 35+ years of studying nutrition, being a family practitioner, teaching nutrition, guest lecturing, and formulating supplements for Mountain Peak Nutritionals® (MPN) and other major nutritional supplement companies. In 1996 he and his wife, Karen Massey, founded MPN with the introduction of our Ultra High™ multivitamin, mineral and antioxidant formula. Today, MPN offers 30+ different nutritional supplements blended in Condition Specific Formulas®.

In November 2020, after more than 24 years of owning and operating MPN, Dr. Jim and Karen chose to retire and passed the legacy of MPN on to Grant and Maureen Bergstrom of GMB Enterprises, Inc. While Dr. Jim no longer owns MPN, he continues to work with us as our formulator and share with us his invaluable knowledge and wisdom. Grant has many years of experience from the supply side of the nutritional supplement business, originally at Cardinal Nutrition which evolved to Bergstrom Nutrition which introduced and commercialized OptiMSM in the human and animal markets. Cardinal/Bergstrom Nutrition was a company started by Grant’s father. Maureen is a Registered Nurse. For more information about the acquisition, please visit our PR page.

Mountain Peak Nutritionals® is a true naturopathic brand. Our philosophy remains: To create the highest quality nutritional supplements by combining the most pure, bioavailable, and clinically proven ingredients into formulas that address specific health conditions. We’ve seen how this commitment to quality improves patient compliance and creates better patient outcomes.

We appreciate your feedback and support!

Greet Camas magazine features Mountain Peak